AUTHOR: wheretherearewolves TITLE: IL VIAGGIO DI VETRI DATE: 9:36 PM ----- BODY:

The book has been out for a bit. Just wanted to let everyone know that it feels fuckin good to finally have this book completed. Couple of my chef friends have looked at it- Matt from Joel, James from Le Bernadin, Justin -chef from The Box, all seem pleased, so it that makes me think it doesn't suck.

The project was simple and complex, just like the food. We generally would shoot super rustic style outside Marc's restaurant or in the dining room next to the windows. Thanks to Marc for breaking my balls to get the best out of me, pushing everyone to not compromise and sell out. Something that I am quite pleased with is that 99% of the images in the book were shot on film with natural light.

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Saturday, October 25, 2008


The book has been out for a bit. Just wanted to let everyone know that it feels fuckin good to finally have this book completed. Couple of my chef friends have looked at it- Matt from Joel, James from Le Bernadin, Justin -chef from The Box, all seem pleased, so it that makes me think it doesn't suck.

The project was simple and complex, just like the food. We generally would shoot super rustic style outside Marc's restaurant or in the dining room next to the windows. Thanks to Marc for breaking my balls to get the best out of me, pushing everyone to not compromise and sell out. Something that I am quite pleased with is that 99% of the images in the book were shot on film with natural light.

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