AUTHOR: wheretherearewolves TITLE: EL GUITAR HERO DATE: 6:07 PM ----- BODY:

Do you know when you've mastered the highest level of guitar hero and after picking up smashed plastic schrapnel off the kitchen floor- you ask yourself, "What next?" Well my friends, come by next Thursday to see the kid who has got chops! See the light of Jesus (pronounced HAY SEUSS) emit out of this man's fingertips. Carlos Cuestes of Colombia will be performing at NYC LA COLOMBE this Thursday Oct. 16th @ 8pm. The program will exist of new contemporary works of latin american composers that will blow your f'n mind!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Do you know when you've mastered the highest level of guitar hero and after picking up smashed plastic schrapnel off the kitchen floor- you ask yourself, "What next?" Well my friends, come by next Thursday to see the kid who has got chops! See the light of Jesus (pronounced HAY SEUSS) emit out of this man's fingertips. Carlos Cuestes of Colombia will be performing at NYC LA COLOMBE this Thursday Oct. 16th @ 8pm. The program will exist of new contemporary works of latin american composers that will blow your f'n mind!


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